Minnesota data
From July 2014 to March 2020, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and managed care organizations (MCOs) have paid doulas less than $354,000 for supporting Medicaid clients through prenatal and postpartum visits and more than 850 births. Roughly 26,000 people a year give birth while enrolled in Medical Assistance, Minnesota’s Medicaid program.
Quick points based on DHS data from July 2014 to March 2020*:
Number of people who accessed doula support through Medical Assistance:
- Doulas supported 841 people through labor.**
- Doulas provided prenatal or postpartum care to 1,433 people.
- Overall, some people could have received doula support throughout the prenatal and postpartum periods in addition to labor support.
Delivery method among doula-supported Medicaid births
- Out of 5,446 claims, 854 were connected to labor support.
- About 70 percent of doula-supported births were vaginal deliveries, including vaginal births after a Cesarean section (VBAC).⁺
- Approximately 18 percent of doula-supported births were Cesarean sections.⁺
- Out of 5,446 claims, MCOs paid for 93 percent. The total cost to MCOs was $325,071.
- The remaining 7 percent of claims were paid through fee-for-service (FFS). The total cost was $28,134. If a Medicaid client is not enrolled with a MCO, they have FFS coverage.
Race/ethnicity of people served⁺⁺
*Doula services were added as a covered service through Medical Assistance in July 2014.
**Some people had multiple pregnancies and received doula support through labor more than once.
⁺For 12 percent of births, delivery type is unknown.
⁺⁺Based on the total number of claims.
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