“It was really confusing, so I just kind of hung it up. It was more of a headache than it was worth.”
—Mattie Khan, doula
Oregon began covering doula services for Medicaid patients in 2014. Despite major progress, we consistently heard that doulas are confused about how to get reimbursed or frustrated with the current system.
We interviewed the Oregon Health Authority, some coordinated care organizations and more than 30 Oregon-based doulas for this series. Along the way, we picked up tips that might be helpful for current and future doulas who wish to serve the Medicaid population.
Steps to becoming reimbursable through Medicaid as a birth doula
We pulled together a list of steps, links and tips that we gathered during our reporting process to help future THW doulas.
Doula hubs
Check out this list of doula hubs, which are forming across the state to accommodate those who wish to work with Medicaid clients and be reimbursed.
Coordinated care organizations and traditional health worker liaisons
A majority of Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) clients get coverage through a coordinated care organization. Learn more about how THW birth doulas work with CCOs.
The OHA’s obligation
The Oregon Health Authority is obligated to review THW reimbursement rates during even-numbered years and report on the status of doulas.